Beastie BENT Thursday June 21

East Van queers go wild as Beastie BENT gets you down on all fours!
Barnyard, jungle, boreal, feathered, reptilian or pre-historic: it'll
be an inter-species mingler and makeout out on the dance floor.... an
animal adventure that'll get your inner furry into a tizzy!
Beastie BENT
Thursday June 21
@ the ANZA club (3 w. 8th, corner ontario)
$2 before 10
$3 after
Retro-pop, Rock, Hip Hop and Electro provided by DJs artflick, F you B, Like the Wolf, JP and a special appearance by former BENT collective member DJ PRAWNS!!!!
plus! A performance by your local animal vigilantees!
**this is a vegan approved event**
19+ only
I.D. required (seriously folks, EVERYONE will be carded).
This party is non-profit and volunteer run. Also we fill up early so be there early!
BENT is a monthly (3rd thursday of each month) non-profit, collective-run party on Vancouver's eastside that is produced by and for queers of all kinds and their allies.
In an effort to make BENT more accessible, we offer parents in our community childcare subsidies. Please email the collective at for more information.
If you would like to volunteer at the next BENT please email us. You'll get into the party for free and get a drink of your choice on us.
We try our very best to make everyone welcome, comfortable and safe at our parties, so please be respectful of the volunteers, security people and other party-goers. Basically, be nice or just stay home. Also, remember that it's volunteers who clean up after you at the end of the night.
Labels: bent vancouver queer danceparty