Bent at Sea - March 15

Why hello sailor, I've got something i'd like to tell you about....
BENT at Sea!
We're pulling up anchor, so come aboard next Thursday March 15th as we take BENT on an ocean voyage, both above and below the surface. We're hoping that all you love-sick seamen out there are ready to show us your moves on the dance floor because we'll be mixing it up with retro-pop, rock, hip hop and electro from DJs Vera, F you B, Era and Oden! Also there will be a special performance that will have you gasping for air!
BENT at Sea
Thursday March 15th
ANZA club (3 west 8th @ Ontario)
Doors @ 9pm
$2 before 10pm
$3 after
Please bring your i.d. because EVERYONE will be carded.
BENT is a monthly (3rd thursday of each month) non-profit, collective-run party on Vancouver's eastside that is produced by and for queers of all kinds and their allies.
In an effort to make BENT more accessible, we offer parents in our community childcare subsidies. Please email the collective at for more information.
We are currently raising funds to make the venue we use for BENT wheelchair accessible. If you have any resources to add to this effort, please contact us.
If you would like to volunteer at the next BENT please email us. You'll get into the party for free and get a drink of your choice on us.
We try to make everyone welcome, comfortable and safe at our parties, so please be respectful of the volunteers and other party-goers. Also, remember that it's volunteers who clean up after you at the end of the night.