Monday, January 22, 2007 

Lost and Hopefully Found at BENT

Hello Everyone,

A number of people who came to Birthday Slumber Party BENT last week have been emailing us about items that they have lost (i guess that's what happens you have have a party where everyone takes their clothes off...)

Just so you all know, we gather all the lost items at the end of the night and give them to the ANZA to add to their lost and found. So if you're missing something, that is the first place to go.

We have one person who lost a black jacket that had her bus pass and house keys in the pocket. It was not at the ANZA at the end of the night and we think that someone might have mistakenly taken it home. If you have it, please email us at we.are.bent { at } .

Thanks and see you on Feb.15th!
The BENT collective

Thursday, January 11, 2007 

Birthday Slumber Party BENT: reaching for you under the covers.....

ONE YEAR later and here we are (flaming fags, dramatic dykes and
queeny queers of East Van!) rocking out into 007... What else to do
but throw ourselves one hell of an effin' birthday bash? So please
dress for (makeout) success in your favorite sleep wear and be
prepared for all your favorite teenie bopper antics at our Birthday
Slumber Party BENT!!! Spin that bottle, fling that pillow, paint
each other's nails and ask yourself: truth or dare???

Thursday January 18th
ANZA club
3 west 8th ave
Doors @ 9pm
$2 before 10pm
$3 afterwards

Featuring retro pop, rock, electro and hip hop by DJs artflick, F
you B, Vera, Like the Wolf and Kookee, some early evening beverage
surprises and performances that'll have you wishing it was your
birthday too.

See you there in your underwear (hopefully).



BENT is a monthly (3rd thursday of each month) non-profit,
collective-run party on Vancouver's eastside that is produced by and
for queers of all kinds and their allies.

In an effort to make BENT more accessible, we offer parents in our
community childcare subsidies. Please email the collective at for more information.