Video BENT

Yes folks, the next BENT is March 16 -- less than a month away. And it's video-BENT!!! So if you sassy kids have footage that you want to see projected at Bent, please get in touch with us ASAP! What kind of footage, you say? Thats up to you. Anything from polished films to low resolution footage from your digital still camera. You decide. Just be aware that Bent will decontextualize and recontextualize your footage into one big queer east side stream of community images. And just to reiterate, the sooner you can get us the footage, the more likely we'll be able to use it at this coming Bent.
Submit your footage by March 10th 2006
This is unrelated to the post, but since I know lotsa livejournalers are BENThusiasts, I caused an LJ feed for this page to be created:
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:52 PM
sweet! that's awesome! thanks!
Posted by
12:06 AM